A. A. It can be the result of heredity, hormonal changes, medical conditions or a normal part of aging. Anyone can lose hair on their head, but it's more common in men. Common balding (androgenetic alopecia) occurs in men and women and is due to the effect of testosterone metabolites (DHT Impact) in genetically susceptible hair follicles. Thyroid disease, anemia, protein deficiency, secondary syphilis, chemotherapy, and low vitamin levels may cause hair loss.
A. Growth Factor(GF) enriched Therapy, Meso Therapy with GF Cocktail and minoxidil are some of the advanced options for hair loss treatment.
A. All treatments given here in RejuveDERMA clinic is by Dermatologists only.
A. Depending of type of treatment and number of sessions required price may range somewhere from 5000 to 40000.